# RHCategoryDefinition
Inherits from: RHObject :: RHWrapper
# Class Methods
# Inherited methods
# New
function Frame New(Object prgCtx, Dynamic item, Integer versionNum)
# Overrides:
in class RHObject
# Instance Methods
# Property Methods
Property methods can be accessed with the valueForKey
attrdata catid classidentifier classname clone errorassoc hash identityhashcode iterator methods okassoc propertymethods reset serialize string version
# Inherited methods
assert cacheMethod cacheValueForKey callSuper checkError class classIdentifier className clone deserialize dict endTrans hash identityHashCode isAccessorMethod isCached isInstanceOf isProperty isPropertyMethod isPropertyRelated methods pluck prepareForReuse propertyMethods removeFromCache reset resetCache resetSubclass resolveRelatedProperty respondsTo serialize setCacheValueForKey setValueForKey setValueForKeyPath setValues startTrans string super touch valueForKey valueForKeyPath
# attrData
function Dynamic attrData()
# catID
function Dynamic catID()
# iterator
function Frame iterator()
# Overrides:
in class RHObject
# primitiveValueForKey
function Dynamic primitiveValueForKey(String key, Dynamic defaultValue=Undefined)
This method returns the raw value (i.e., a value from the Record for this node type). It's called by valueForKey() if an accessor method or non script feature is found on the object with the given key.
# Overrides:
in class RHWrapper
# setAttrData
function Frame setAttrData(Dynamic AttrData)
# setCatID
function Frame setCatID(Dynamic CatID)
# setVersion
function Frame setVersion(Dynamic Version)
# version
function Dynamic version()