# RHRecMan

Inherits from: RHObject :: RHWrapper :: RecordsManagement

# Class Methods

# Inherited methods

Destructor ErrorAssoc OKAssoc

# New

function Dynamic New(Object prgCtx, Integer DataID)

# Overrides:

New in class RHObject

# Instance Methods

# Property Methods

Property methods can be accessed with the valueForKey method.

allholds classidentifier classificationinfo classifyinfo classname classnode clone dataid errorassoc hash identityhashcode iterator methods node okassoc physicalobjectinfo propertymethods recorddate recordofficer recordsmanagementgroup rsiinfo rsischedules serialize string

# Inherited methods

assert cacheMethod cacheValueForKey callSuper checkError class classIdentifier className clone deserialize dict endTrans hash identityHashCode isAccessorMethod isCached isInstanceOf isProperty isPropertyMethod isPropertyRelated iterator methods pluck prepareForReuse propertyMethods removeFromCache reset resetCache resolveRelatedProperty respondsTo serialize setCacheValueForKey setValueForKey setValueForKeyPath setValues startTrans string super touch valueForKey valueForKeyPath

# allHolds

function Assoc allHolds(Boolean bNoChildren = false)

# classificationInfo

function Assoc classificationInfo()

Get information about the RM Classification assigned to this node (not to be confused with classifyInfo).

# classifyInfo

function Assoc classifyInfo()

This is what is shown in the Records Detail tab specific to this node.

# classNode

function Frame classNode()

# dataid

function Integer dataid()

# node

function Frame node()

# physicalObjectInfo

function Frame physicalObjectInfo()

# primitiveValueForKey

function Dynamic primitiveValueForKey(String key, Dynamic defaultValue=Undefined)

# Overrides:

primitiveValueForKey in class RHWrapper

# recordDate

function Date recordDate()

# recordOfficer

function Frame recordOfficer()

# recordsManagementGroup

function Frame recordsManagementGroup()

# resetSubclass

function Void resetSubclass()

# Overrides:

resetSubclass in class RHObject

# rsiInfo

function Record rsiInfo()

# rsiSchedules

function RecArray rsiSchedules()

Last Updated: 7/19/2019, 3:06:36 PM